We sincerely thank BF for their help, especially Mr. Eduard, Mrs. Shmid Shmydebach and Vyacheslav Egorov. Health and peaceful sky!
Trach Svetlana
From the bottom of my heart, I thank the foundation, especially Eduard, Mrs. Shmid Shmydebach and Vyacheslav Egorov for the timely and much needed help. May good health and well-being return to you. Thank you!
Today we received a 754 Medtronic pump and consumables from Eduard. We are very grateful to him, as well as Mrs. Shmid Shmidebach and Vyacheslav Egorov for their care of young diabetics of Ukraine and wish for further cooperation.
Victoria Shpak
We thank the foundation, the Malva Association of Ukraine, Banco Farmaceutico for helping our children in such difficult times. We wish you good health, happiness and a peaceful sky. You are doing incredible things. May there be exceptionally grateful people on your way. And may all your endeavors end in success
Thank you very much for your help. Health, patience and peace to the organizers and volunteers ♥️
Sikora Oksana
We sincerely thank the fund for the help!!!
Thank you very much to the Eduard Foundation for your help, we received the parcel today, we are very satisfied, the donation has everything you need, thank you to everyone who helped send the parcel, Thank you 🙏, that in such a difficult time for our country there are people who have a very good heart, who sympathize and support our children and make life easier for them with such a terrible disease as diabetes. We are very grateful to all of you for taking care of our children. Thank God 🙏🙏, for what you are!! ♥️♥️May the Lord protect all of you and your families and give you good health!! 🙏🙏
Kovalchuk Sofia
I would like to thank Sergey, Eduard and the entire team of the foundation for such important help during this difficult time. Good health to all, happiness and a peaceful sky above your head.
Galina Saltykova
There are not enough words of thanks, tears of joy and emotions tear from the inside. I am proud of you PEOPLE who, despite all obstacles, illnesses, mistrust, even insults, do not fold your hands and help those who have faced this terrible disease. A huge THANK YOU from me and my son To EDUARD, IHOR, SERGI and all the PEOPLE involved in this HUGE CASE. Unfortunately, we do not know everyone by name, but I ask God for all those who help. Special thanks to Ms. Schmidt-Schmiedebach for the help provided and concern for each of us. May you 100 times more good will come back.
Many thanks to Eduard and the entire team, which helps our children with what is necessary for a normal life. Thank you, it is scary to imagine our life without modern devices for measuring sugar (pounds), especially when a child does not feel high and low sugars. Libra is our eyes. Thank goodness we can see sugar painlessly. May all your big plans come true!!! And God always protects!!!
We are infinitely grateful to you for your work, for helping children and adults with diabetes. 💛💙 Let your kindness and generosity return to you a hundredfold. 🌻
The whole family is infinitely grateful 🧡 For the sensor, for the drops, the sugar substitute and for the past help as a Libra 2 reader! Because you won't appreciate all the benefits right away, it takes time) Many people are scared of measuring mg/dL and numbers per 100. A few days and we were clearly oriented! Such an irreplaceable thing especially with a very young child, because now it is possible to leave the grandchild with the grandmother and not leave your phone! Because the little one just doesn't have it... Of course, a separate "cherry on the cake" is a notification about a low or too high glucose level, because the little one won't tell, especially when she's sleeping! And no calibrations! Everything shows right away 👍 Little Lily's fingers are really resting 🧡 Just a HUGE thank you to the entire foundation and of course to Sergey and Eduard personally! Just because you are! And this is how you help our diabetics, young and old, despite all the negativity!🙏
Diana N
Thank you very much to the Foundation and everyone who is involved in such a necessary and important cause - helping people with diabetes! Your work is priceless, and there are probably no such words to express our immense gratitude for everything you do for us!
I sincerely thank the Foundation, Serhiy, Eduard, Natalya, as well as the Malva Association of Ukraine and Banco Formaceutico for the help provided. Peaceful sky above everyone's head💛💙
Elena K
Many sincere thanks to the whole team for their help! Eduard, thank you very much for your patience and understanding! Good health to all and Victory as soon as possible!
Congratulations! We sincerely thank Eduard, Serhiy and all the employees of the foundation. Malva Association of Ukraine, Banco Farmaceutico. We are very grateful that you are helping us in such a difficult time for us, this help is very important for us, a big thank you, God's Blessings on you!!! And we really hope to cooperate with you!!!!
Marina Muzhyk
Thank you very much for your help
Good day. My big thanks to the foundation, personally to Eduard, Igor, Natalya and all the employees, for the help I really needed. Stay healthy and safe. May the Lord protect you!!
Olya Zelena
A big thank you to the charity foundation and their organizers for supporting our children in a difficult time for us, our children do not lose hope and continue to fight against such an illness. A big thank you and a peaceful sky above their heads
I am really grateful to you, dear ones. Your work is great, you are the best. I am provided with these things I need for a long time. Once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Olena M
I received the first, very valuable, absolutely necessary for me, free help from the Charitable Fund for the Assistance and Rehabilitation of Diabetes Patients: a glucometer, a test strip, vitamins and a sugar substitute. I sincerely thank the Foundation, all its volunteers, the Medico company, the Malva Voluntary Association of Ukraine and Banko Farmaceutico. I was pleasantly surprised by the conscientious attitude of all the Foundation's volunteers to the fulfillment of this charitable mission (a special thank you to Natalya, the administrator). Thanks to you, I now have my own free blood glucose meter and lots of test strips. After all, it was quite difficult to allocate funds for the independent purchase of the device, and especially test strips from my small pension. Thanks to your help, I will now be able to control my blood sugar on my own, which is very important. And the sugar substitute will help you enjoy self-made sweet dishes, which, due to the disease, you can enjoy very rarely. And the vitamin complex will support the general state of health. I wish everyone peace and health.
Extraordinary event! Received what was promised - free of charge, and so quickly! Thanks to you our kind, good, caring compatriots - Eduard, Igor, Nataliya, Iryna, Serhiy and your entire team! We are also grateful to the partners of the Foundation - the Malva Association of Ukraine and Banko Farmaceutico. We wish you to have business, relationships with people who and YOU - active, friendly, conscientious, not indifferent. With great respect, BABAK family 🌹
Good afternoon! Received help from your foundation, thank you SO MUCH for your help. Health and blessings to all employees of the foundation.
I sincerely thank the charitable foundation, the foundation's partners and everyone involved in such important work. I wish everyone health and peace!
Good day! We received the help we needed today! We are very grateful to the foundation for their care and humanity in such a difficult time for us 🙏! Your work is invaluable, thank you!
Good afternoon. Sincere thanks to the foundation for the work and support of our children in this difficult time 🙏 And also to the Italian Association "Mallows of Ukraine" and Banco Farmaceutico, for vitamins and supplements for healthy nutrition and a full life. Peace and prosperity 🌻
Larisa Soroka
Peace to your home! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your help! May God protect you all! For me, your concern is a miracle! Good luck, patience and health to your team!
Inna Anatoliivna
Good afternoon 🇺🇦 Infinite Gratitude and a low Bow to All Boys and Girls for such a difficult but very necessary Work. Thank you to everyone involved for the help provided, for the support during this difficult time. Good health and speedy Victory to everyone 💙💛
We sincerely thank the Foundation, namely Serhiy, Eduard, Natalya, Igor, all employees and sponsors, as well as the Mallow Association of Ukraine and Banco Formaceutico for the assistance provided. We are especially grateful to you for the glucometer and test strips for it, as well as for your support and care during this difficult period. We wish you peace and health. Glory to Ukraine!!!
Vidiaeva Anastasia
Good afternoon, I received help today. Many thanks to the fund! Special thanks for the sugar substitute and vitamins. Peaceful skies and good health to all!
Good day! I received the package today. I am very grateful to the foundation for such important help for me. I wish everyone a peaceful sky, and thank you for taking care of us in such a difficult time.
Once again, we sincerely thank the Diabetes Relief and Rehabilitation Fund, Eduard, Serhiy and all employees, as well as the Malva Association of Ukraine and Banco Farmaceutico for their help! You help us a lot! Thank you for everything!!! 💛💙
Thank you very much for the help from good people. Eduard, Igor, Serhiy and the girls are working wonders for our children. Peace and goodness to you.
Good day! Thank you very much for helping our children, you are the best 🙏💪🥰
Good day. I am very grateful to you! There are so many emotions in my soul that I can't find words. We are very, very grateful to your entire team and charitable foundations that help you help us. Thanks to everyone who puts their efforts into this help. In our very difficult time, you give people faith in goodness and in the next day. May the Angels protect you, even if you were not there. 🙏Donnechka and I thank you infinitely. ❤️
I sincerely thank the Foundation, namely Serhiy, Eduard, Natalya, as well as the Malva Association of Ukraine and Banco Formaceutico for the assistance provided. I am very grateful to you for your support and care. I wish you peace and health.
Thank you very much to the Diabetes Relief and Rehabilitation Fund, Serhiy, Eduard, Ihor, Natalya, Iryna and all the employees, as well as the Malva Association of Ukraine and Banco Farmaceutico for the help! Thank you very much for such invaluable help for us!!
Thank you very much for the opportunity to receive sensors under the 50/50 program! Huge thanks to the Fund, Serhiy, Eduard, everyone who deals with these issues, thanks to the Association of Malva of Ukraine, Banco Farmaceutico! Health to all, God's grace and a speedy victory for us 💛💙
We would like to thank the Diabetes Relief and Rehabilitation Fund, Serhiy, Eduard, all employees, as well as the Malva Association of Ukraine and Banco Farmaceutico for the assistance provided. It is very necessary for us!! You are doing a great job. Thank you!!!
We sincerely and from the bottom of our hearts thank the Foundation for the Rehabilitation of Diabetes Patients, Serhii, Eduard, and all the employees. Special thanks to the Malva Association of Ukraine and Banco Farmaceutico for the assistance provided, which makes life with diabetes a little easier. You are doing a great job for us, we wish you continued success. You are incredible!! ❤️🇺🇦